Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Apple juggernaut continues...

By now most of the Internet connected world knows about the Apple iPhone. Not surprising considering it was announced about a day ago. Apple would like you to believe that your life will be sad without their $500+ iPhone. Here are a few big problems with this next generation do-everything-but-the-laundry gadget:

1. Maxes out at 8GB storage. IMHO, Apple should have made it thicker and stuck a 30GB drive in it. When you have a device that can store and play music, video, photos, pdf files, web pages and rich-text email, you would assume that the storage capacity would run out pretty fast. If you need to keep syncing it at regular intervals to manage your files (because of low capacity), you kinda defeat the purpose of a standalone do-it-all device.

2. How scratch-proof is the screen really? If the iPods are anything to go by, the ladies will want to cut their nails before letting their fingers go wild on the screen.

3. How about also telling us the battery life with all the bells and whistles on? A cellphone is a mission critical device and if using Wi-Fi, visual voicemail etc on that hi-res screen hogs on battery life, it will remain underutilized for most users. I am still waiting for Apple to come out with a device that beats Creative devices in battery life.

4. $500 even with a 2 year contract? Not including the premium Cingular will charge for the service? We're talking an arm and a leg for the general populace that salivate over every Apple product launch. Given that most of us have a computer and home and work to check email, browse etc, that seems to be a hefty price to pay for doing the same thing on the commute. Hmmm...

What about me? Well, I have started setting money aside to get the 8GB iPhone when it comes out. Luckily it coincides with when my current Cingular contract expires...

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